Definition of Sound change

1. Noun. (linguistics) Any processes of language change that affect pronunciation (phonetic change) or sound system structures (phonological change), manifested as a replacement of one speech sound (or, more generally, one phonetic feature) by another, as the complete loss of the affected sound, or by the introduction of a new sound in a place where there previously was none. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Sound Change

sound alphabet
sound as a bell
sound asleep
sound asleep(p)
sound barrier
sound barriers
sound bite
sound bites
sound bow
sound box
sound boxes
sound camera
sound card
sound cards
sound change
sound changes
sound effect
sound effects
sound energy
sound engineer
sound engineering
sound film
sound hole
sound holes
sound judgement
sound judgment
sound law
sound localization
sound off

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